PRACTICE AREA: Tax & Corporate
He is the founder of the Studio Lancia & Partners Firm founded in Rome in 1989. The activity of the firm includes : providing opinions and consultation on specific fiscal queries or problems and tax litigations; general company compliance, maintenance and updating of company records, account books and tax registers; planning and budgeting; cash flow analysis; balance sheet analysis. consultation regarding acquisitions and divestitures, both national and foreign; tax Law 'Due Diligence' activities involving acquisitions and extraordinary operations; assistance to firms regarding operations involving Share Capital; evaluation of companies, sworn affidavits for mergers, break-ups, spin-offs, transfer of business.
Giuseppe has held positions as tax advisor in listed companies or groups and international group companies. He has been member of the Italian Government Commission of tax experts for the system for calculating the presumed income of particular categories of taxpayers. He has held position as a member and Chairman of the Board of statutory auditors in financial companies and he is Chairman of the Board of Auditors in the Association for the Clearance of the Slots in the Italian airports under the surveillance of the Ministry of Transport ; Giuseppe graduated in Business Administration in the Università degli Studi "La Sapienza" of Rome.
He is a Certified Public Accountant, registered in the roster of "Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili " of Rome and he is a Statutory Auditor, registered in the roster of "Revisori Legali”. He attended seminars as speaker in tax and accountant matters and contributed to several articles on tax matters.